Drama, acting studio UPCOMING EVENTS STUDENT STORIESEVERYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE ART & ART HISTORY DIGITAL MEDIA & DESIGN DRAMATIC ARTS MUSIC ARTS LEADERSHIP GRADUATE CERTIFICATESAPPLY NOW689 Undergraduate Students 9:1 Student to Faculty Ratio 100+ Visiting Professional Artists & Scholars Yearly STUDENT SHOWCASE Art & Art History Student Work Digital Media & Design Student Work Dramatic Arts Student Work Music Student Work FINE ARTS VENUES Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry The William Benton Museum of Art Contemporary Art Galleries Connecticut Repertory Theatre Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts von der Mehden Recital HallFINE ARTS NEWS The Huskies Take Foxborough: Marching Band to Play During NFL Game Jorgensen Presents ‘With Ukraine in Our Hearts’ Memorial Concert Honoring the Late Peter Bagley to Draw 120 Alumni for Saturday Performance Create and Succeed: Werth Institute Program Building Record of Success Engaging, Uplifting First-Year Women Entrepreneurs