Student Advising

Amanda Wilde -  Director of Advising | (860) 486-4571 | Room 206-B

Each undergraduate student in the School of Fine Arts has a faculty advisor assigned by the Department. The faculty advisor can serve as a creative, academic, and professional mentor, advising the student on course selection, internships, and career opportunities.

Amanda Wilde serves as the professional advisor for all School of Fine Arts undergraduates. She can help with General Education course selection, withdrawals and substitutions, transfer credits, and other issues related to degree progress and completion.

Although students are assigned to advisors, students are responsible for knowing and following the regulations of the University, and for planning and carrying out a program of study consistent with their academic and career goals and the degree requirements of the University. The University's advising page provides additional resources for all students.

Directions to SFA Advising Office

Help With:


  • Course Registration
  • Late Add/Withdrawals
  • Account Holds
  • Excess Credit Approvals
  • Transfer Credits
  • Course Substitutions
  • Academic Success Plans
  • Add/Change a Major or Minor
  • Graduation Planning
  • Plan of Study & Degree Progress Check-Ins
  • Finding supports at UConn
  • and more!

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