Marks Family Endowment in Fine Arts

Watch Below: How to Apply

Marks Family Endowment in Fine Arts

The Marks Family Endowment in Fine Arts supports programs and projects that enable SFA undergraduate or graduate students to perform, exhibit, or work in professional venues throughout the State of Connecticut. Applications are due via the website by 5:00pm on April 21, 2025. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

  • Contact Information

  • Note: If a group of students is applying for this award, one student should be included here as the primary contact for the group, and the others listed below.
  • Proposal

  • 10 rows maximum. Use NA if not applicable.
  • 10 rows maximum. Use NA if not applicable.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 250 MB.
    A faculty or staff member must write a letter in support of this project. Please upload a Word document or PDF here.
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 250 MB.
    A letter of confirmation from a staff member at the proposed venue (museum, gallery, theater, concert hall, etc.) must be included. It should confirm that the student(s) will be performing/exhibiting on the date(s) specified in the proposal. Please upload a Word document or PDF here.

    Note: it is the applicant’s responsibility to secure letters of support/confirmation and include them in the application. Separate letters will not be accepted.
  • Project Narrative

  • What is the activity/event? When and where will it happen? Who is the target audience? How will this experience enhance the student participants’ creative practice and professionalism? 500 word maximum.
  • Budget

    The maximum award is $5,000, with most awards in the $2,000-3,000 range.


    • Depending on the nature of your project, you may or may not have expenses in each of these categories.

    • Make sure that your budget figures are as accurate as possible.

    • Compare prices across vendors and seek out cost-effective options.

    • Mileage can only be claimed when driving a personal car; for rental cars please submit gas receipts. See for helpful information on mileage between Storrs and CT municipalities.

    • As a rough guide in determining the amount of any stipends for student participants, you may want to base it on the number of hours you will spend on this project paid at the minimum student labor rate (currently $16.35/hour).

    • At the end of the grant, any durable equipment purchased will belong to the School of Fine Arts and will be used for teaching.
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • JustificationAmount 
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.