Training Materials
Know Before You Go - Jira Form Instructions***Draft***
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For purchasing goods and services inclusive of honorariums, IT Hardware and Software, among other fiscal requests, select the launch Jira Purchase Request Portal button below to initiate the procurement process within the SFA Financial Services Office (FSO).
The Jira Purchase Request Forms is not required for:
Pro-Card Purchases (processed on non-SFA Financial Services Office cards only)
Faculty, Staff and/or Guest Travel
Purchasing Guidelines
Out of Pocket Purchases and Reimbursement Guidelines
Out of Pocket Reimbursement Policy
Intended to allow for small emergency purchases only when circumstances are such that the use of established purchasing procedure is not practical
Further details are available on the Accounts Payable website
Not to be used as a means to circumvent the purchasing workflow/use of the Jira Request Portal
Based on the current spending/hiring guidelines, these purchases continue to require pre-approval obtained through the Jira Request Portal
Requests seeking post-approval require approval via the Dean and risk not being eligible for reimbursement
Post-approval workflow
Requestor should seek approval from the Dean via email through Executive Assistant to the Dean, Arielle Hill-Moses.
Email should detail what the reimbursement is for and justification of why the requestor did not seek pre-approval.
Email containing Dean’s approval needs to be attached to the Jira Purchase Request submission.
Once approval is received via the Jira Request Portal process, the requestor will need to submit the reimbursement in Concur.
Instructions for creating an expense report in Concur can be found here.
Examples of allowable transactions include:
Emergency purchases of supplies needed in research
Emergency repairs
Emergency purchases from the UConn Barnes & Noble College Bookstore
Entertainment of guests to the University (not to be used for departmental lunches comprised entirely of University employees).
Purchasing Process Responsibilities
Requester Responsibilities
1) Fill out the appropriate Jira Request Form within the portal including detailed information about the items you're requesting to be purchased.
2) Once the Jira Request Form in the portal is submitted it will route to your respective Department Head/Director for approval. Upon their concurrence, the Financial Services Office will begin facilitating your purchase request.
3) Communication will be facilitated through the Jira Request Portal regarding your purchase request. Check back in the portal for further updates regarding your purchase.
Department Head/Director Responsibilities
1) Review and approve the Jira Request against your allocated budget allotment. Please reach out to Thomas Noonan for any necessary guidance.
2) If you are aware that work will be completed by a current State of Connecticut employee, relative of a UConn employee, or by someone who has left state payroll within one year, please disclose of the information in your Jira Request.